August, 2010

Carla van Dam, Ph.D.

If protecting children from being sexually abused were easy, the problem would not persist.  The reason so many children continue to be molested, anywhere from 25% to 33% of the population, is because society remains completely baffled by the topic;  Any evidence of sexual abuse is seemingly invisible;  The few clues seem too incredible to believe;  and doing anything about it is always too difficult, making it easier to do nothing, blame the victims, and maintain the status quo.  Doing nothing, however, continues to put more children at risk and unnecessarily costs society not only in terms of emotional damage, but also from multiple other consequences of abuse that impact society.  This includes increased employment problems, greater reliance on mental health services, more health problems, and the unintended perpetuation of the cycle of abuse, thereby potentially creating ever increasing numbers of victims.

Ending child sexual abuse requires using primary prevention methods, rather than the current practices of focusing on treating victims after they have been abused, or putting the onus of responsibility on children to protect themselves from being abused by telling them to say “No” to offenders, an approach that also entirely ignores doing anything to stop child molesters.  The wide spread occurrence of child sexual abuse would suggest the need for a public health approach to stemming an epidemic.

A public health approach relies on primary prevention, which places the responsibility of protecting children on the adult community by teaching adults not to continue giving molesters access to children.  To successfully stop sex offenders in their tracks would involve educating the public to:

  1. Be willing to consider the possibility that known and trusted adults sexually molest children
  2. Be able to identify the behavior patterns used by socially skilled sex molesters
  3. Be increasingly competent at recognizing potentially abusive behavior
  4. Be inoculated from the spell offenders use to access children

1.  Be willing to consider the possibility that known and trusted adults sexually molest children:  The current problem with child sexual abuse parallels how other seemingly “invisible” public health issues were handled in the past.  For instance, the first doctor to suggest using primary prevention strategies against germs by washing hands was run out of the profession.  Germs were invisible, thereby making talk about them seem like hocus pocus.  Stopping sex offenders from abusing children remains as elusive today as recognizing the existence of germs appeared to be before the discovery of the microscope.  Once visible, the problem becomes credible and the solutions more apparent and doable.

The same approach is needed in primary prevention of child sexual abuse that was used in combating germs by not giving germs the opportunity to infect and grow.  This means, just as it was necessary to be willing to consider that seemingly invisible germs were spreading disease, it is necessary to be willing to accept that sex offenders are known, liked, and/or respected individuals.  Adults unable to consider such possibilities inadvertently continue to invite molesters into their homes, schools, churches, and other organizations, their nescience ensuring that sex offenders are protected at the expense of children who are harmed.   Too often, when adults remain stuck at this level of ignorance, pedophiles remain safely entrenched in the church, the school, the home, or any other organization where they can continue to molest with impunity.

2.  Be able to identify the behavior patterns used by the socially skilled sex molesters:  The next step in primary prevention necessitates improved tools for seeing the problem.   The concept of germs became credible only after the invention of the microscope, resulting in sanitation practices that eradicated many diseases.   Being able to identify sex offenders would be the social equivalent of having a tool like the microscope, thereby making the seemingly invisible grooming practices of the child molester visible.

No clear microscope exists as yet for detecting sex offenders.  However, because child molesters are so predictable and their behaviors follow clichéd rules, a preliminary microscope like tool can help adults develop vision.  The book Identifying Child Molesters: Preventing Child Sexual Abuse by Recognizing the Patterns of the Offenders was written for that purpose, and sex offenders in treatment groups have confirmed that the book’s information correctly outlines their preferred practices, qualifying the book for a “Sex Offender Seal of Approval” should that exist.  Learning about the practices of sex offenders provides awareness essential to intervening and correctly seeing the “smarmy” behavior rather than mistaking it as “charming” conduct.

Sex offenders tend to be unbelievably helpful, with their efforts aimed at obtaining access to families and/or communities.  They blur boundaries.  They engage in tickling and roughhousing games with children as a screening strategy. Those adults who do not object are viewed by sex offenders as being more likely to provide safe haven for further unimpeded access to children.  Adults who do nothing about such activities also inadvertently communicate to children they know about the abuse because the viewed conduct was tolerated.  The socially skilled sex offenders successfully turn over zealous involvement with children into an asset rather than the liability that would be more accurate.  They reframe conduct so adults often boast they are “just like a kid” as if that were an asset rather than a liability.  Most of all, these molesters do not respect boundaries, become aggressive when challenged, but tend to disappear where boundary violations are not tolerated, as such environments are not safe.

3.  Be increasingly competent at recognizing potentially abusive behavior:  With the knowledge to better identify child molesters, of course, comes responsibility:  The responsibility of keeping such individuals from having access to children.  The socially skilled child molesters, namely the groomers who first ingratiate themselves with the adults in order to access children use tried and true methods to seem above reproach.  Usually they seem “too good to be true,” and as consumer advocates say, “if something seems too good to be true, it isn’t.”  In this case, of course, the hidden agenda is free access to children.

Adults can intervene if they know how sex offenders operate.  They do this by reading about the methods typically used by sex offenders, by being assertive when the information does not “add up,” by not tolerating “stories,” and by not being intimidated into compromising a child’s safety.

Socially skilled child molesters leave a trail of evidence, or namely people who have dealt with them in the past, know them, and choose to keep their children away because of concerns, a process explained in detail in The Socially Skilled Child Molester:  Differentiating the Guilty from the Falsely Accused.  This slime trail, which should be readily visible, remains “secret” only because each concern, each worry, each accusation, and each situation is handled in isolation, leaving the next potential victim and their supporters unable to benefit from the rich mine of information that really could be available.  Silence protects the child molester.

4.   Be inoculated against the spell offenders use to access children: Inoculating communities from having their children abused would prevent harm just as washing hands stopped the spread of disease.   Child sexual abuse is a virus that flourishes in secrecy and isolation.  The best antidote is open communication.  To protect children, the adults who experience concerns and who have doubts must do something.  What can be done will need to continue to be expanded on, with endless opportunities for new information, ideas, and successes that can be beneficial to all.  But to begin with this includes talking to friends and family, talking to therapists, talking to sexual assault experts, and talking to the authorities.  Talking about concerns breaks the cycle of secrecy and isolation, with adults working together to manage the issues and to thereby clearly convey the message that child sexual abuse will not be kept secret and will not be tolerated.  By openly talking about it, by clearly setting boundaries, and when in doubt by removing access to children, the eradication of child sexual abuse can truly begin.  Remember, child sexual abuse flourishes in secrecy and isolation.  The antidote is open communication.

Standing Firm:  Setting clear boundaries and saying “NO” to those whose interactions and/or interests in children seem too worrisome, or appears to parallel the practices endorsed by known sex offenders, is never wrong.  This also sets a better example to children when teaching them to say no and tell by modeling such behavior and by setting and maintaining clear boundaries.  People who are involved with children for all the right reasons would support such boundary setting, and abide by the rules.  Those whose behavior may be suspect would find this intolerable.  They would not want to waste their precious “grooming” time where they cannot gain unimpeded access to children, and therefore will instead move on to places where access is easier.  By their very actions and responses, those whose involvement with children was for all the wrong reasons will become clearer as they will tend to disappear.

Just as there is no shame in being exposed to germs, there is no shame in having sex offenders circle around children opportunistically hoping to gain access / entry anywhere adults fail to intervene.  The embarrassment and shame should be squarely placed on those who molest.  Being vigilantly aware and openly able to discuss the topic, like washing hands, benefits all but the intrusive invaders whose conduct should not be tolerated.  It is time adults learn to say “NO,” and to tell and to place the shame and blame squarely where it belongs, on those who molest.

Dr. van Dam has been instrumental in civil law suits to help lawyers clarify whether there is sufficient information to successfully proceed to trial and /or what further information can be obtained to help ensure the case can be successful.  She has done this in cases involving children’s hospitals, school districts, churches, and other organizations that failed to protect children from a rogue staff member.  The depositions she has written, based on summarizing the available data, have resulted in settlements.  Most organizations being sued for having failed to protect vulnerable children in their care do not want to go to trial with the details of what transpired making the nightly news.  In these cases her work was essential in helping lawyers advantageously settle cases.

Dr. van Dam has provided expert testimony in court cases in the United States and in Canada regarding sex offenders and their habits.  Providing the theoretical information to inform judges and juries regarding these practices helps provide the framework for better understanding the case in question.

  • In one groundbreaking case, the lawyer successfully protected a child from a very socially skilled child molester by using Dr. van Dam’s testimony to lay the groundwork for how socially skilled child molesters operate.  The lawyer then demonstrated that the individual in question had engaged in all those practices. Without the framework, the judge would have accepted the offender’s perspective, and failed to protect a vulnerable child.
  • In another case Dr. van Dam was able to help the lawyer link two seemingly unconnected events together to demonstrate to the courts how these two events identified the agency as generically failing to protect children from harm.  The resulting settlement was viewed as advantageous to the victims.
  • Dr. van Dam’s consultation in yet another case also provided the framework to require a change in the personnel policy of another agency, thereby ensuring that children would be better protected.

Dr. van Dam has provided workshops in primary prevention techniques. These techniques educate professionals and community members, from all over the world, to know how prevent sex offenders from accessing children. Video materials are an essential component of the training. Participants report finding the training both riveting and successful.

Below is an outline of the workshop, which can be crafted to meet the needs of both professionals or the general public.

Stopping Child Molesters in Their Tracks
Carla van Dam, PhD

If protecting children from being sexually abused were easy, the problem would not persist. The reason so many children continue to be molested, anywhere from 25% to 33% of the population, is because society remains completely baffled by the topic. When children do report being abused, any evidence is typically invisible and the few clues that do surface seem too incredible to believe. Doing anything about child sexual abuse seems too difficult, making it easier to do nothing, thereby putting more children at risk.

Child sexual abuse can be greatly reduced, but this requires methods beyond routine personnel screening practices and/or putting children in charge of their own safety by teaching children to say “No” to predators. Individuals and organizations must be able to respond in four important ways:

1. Accept that known and respected adults molest children: Child molesters are often known, liked, and respected individuals. People unable to consider this reality inadvertently invite molesters into their homes or organizations, who then “groom” and molest victims with little risk of exposure.

2. Learn to identify the behavior patterns of skilled child molesters: Molesters are extremely skilled, but their behavior is also predictable. They tend to be unbelievably helpful in order to gain access to families, or to organizations that serve children. They often blur personal boundaries in many ways that can include engaging in tickling and roughhousing games with children. They use such activities to screen those individuals and organizations that tolerate these behaviors as being more likely to provide a safe haven.

3. Intervene when the rules are disregarded: Individuals within families or organizations must be willing to intervene. Skilled molesters ingratiate themselves, seeming to be above reproach, and often become aggressively defensive when challenged. They typically leave a trail of evidence with people who have dealt with them in the past, a “slime trail” that is invisible only because each concern or situation is kept secret. Molesters tend to disappear from families or organizations where boundary violations are not tolerated, and where secrecy is not encouraged, as such environments are not safe for them

4. Inoculate the family / organization. Child sexual abuse flourishes in secrecy and isolation. The best antidote is open communication. Adults who experience concerns must do something, which helps break the cycle of secrecy and isolation. Adults must work together to manage these issues. Working together, managing boundaries, and talking about the topic sends the message that child sexual abuse will not be kept secret or tolerated.

Setting and maintaining clear boundaries is never wrong. Doing this also sets the example to children about maintaining clear boundaries, saying “No,” and telling a trusted adult.

Those whose motives are suspect will find this intolerable, and will not waste their precious “grooming” time where they cannot gain unimpeded access to children. They will go where access to children is easier / safer. Knowing this should encourage adults that coordinated actions can protect children in their care.